A mobile COVID-19 testing clinic will be stationed in the centre of Byron Bay for the duration of the NSW school holidays.
The clinic will be located in Denning Park, Bay Street, and open from 10am to 3pm from Monday 28 September to Saturday 3 October and again from Monday 5 to Sunday 11 October.
Northern NSW Local Health District Chief Executive, Wayne Jones, said having the mobile clinic in town would make it easier for locals and visitors to get tested for COVID-19.
“We are expecting a significant number of tourists to head to our region over the school holidays, and we’re making it as simple as possible for people to come forward for a COVID-19 test,” Mr Jones said.
“This additional clinic in the Byron CBD will make it easier for tourists who may not have easy access to transport or who may not be familiar with the area, to find a testing centre.”
Anyone who develops flu-like symptoms should not delay getting tested at any one of the multiple testing clinics already established throughout the region, including the clinic at Byron Central Hospital.
“Testing is free, including for overseas visitors, so people should not delay in getting a swab at the first sign of any cold or flu-like symptoms,” Mr Jones said.
“If you’re reaching for the tissues or the throat lozenges, please head to a clinic and get tested. You’ll be doing your part for your fellow holiday-makers and our community.”
By coming forward for testing, public health teams will be able to quickly identify any new cases among the community, and improve the chances of stopping any spread of the virus.
The clinic is part of the Commonwealth funded project led by Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation and supported by the Northern NSW Local Health District, NSW Health Pathology and the North Coast PHN. It has been visiting various locations throughout Northern NSW over the past few months.
The clinic is free, and bookings are recommended. There will be limited walk-in appointments available.
To book an appointment, phone 1800 856 325 or from 28 September you can book online via the Casino Respiratory Clinic.
Photo by: Glen Berlin / Shutterstock.com