General practitioners can now prescribe the HIV prevention drug PrEP (Tenofovir/Emtricitabine), which is available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as a streamlined authority item.
Before PrEP is prescribed, renal function, HIV and hepatitis B and C status need to be ascertained. STI testing is also recommended, which includes syphilis serology and chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing at all relevant sites (throat, genital and anal). Monitoring every three months is recommended.
Many people are already using PrEP through research projects primarily based at sexual health clinics. With the availability of PrEP on the PBS, these projects will come to a close over coming months and participants will have the option to access PrEP from their GPs.
Sexual Health Services in Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Kempsey and Grafton can provide advice by phone to doctors wishing to prescribe PrEP for their patients.
- Coffs Harbour: (02) 6656 7865
- Port Macquarie: (02) 6588 2750
- Kempsey: (02) 6588 2750
- Grafton: (02) 6641 8712
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