New Patient Centred Medical Home webinars are available for viewing or listening, along with some improvement ideas and case studies showcasing the great work practices are doing.
These resources are located on our PCMH website under the resources tab.
The webinars include a new series on data driven quality improvement. In these webinars, Vanessa Crowther provides an introduction to using your in-house data analysis tool, CAT4, to improve your practice. Vanessa Crowther from NCPHN’s GP QI Program and Dr Dan Ewald, NCPHN’s Clinical Advisor, discuss the importance of data in informing your quality improvements and then, using specific examples, Vanessa walks us through how CAT4 and TopBar makes this process easy.
Additionally, Dr Kirsten Meisinger’s presentation and Q&A session, An International Perspective of the PCMH, are available on the website. The Q&A session includes questions from local general practices about how PCMH principles apply to the Australian setting.
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