Southern Cross University’s Lismore campus is looking for women to participate in a research study called BONE-AID: Better Osteogenesis Needs Exercise – Australian Indigenous Dance; a pilot study in post-menopausal women.
In order to be included in this study women need to be over 55 years of age, more than five years after the onset of menopause, not regularly participating in vigorous exercise or activity, be able to give informed consent in English and be able to commit to the time required for participating in this research.
If a woman has an uncontrolled condition of the heart or lungs, a condition which causes pain with exercise, a condition which effects bone formation or makes exercise hazardous then they should not take part in this study. If a woman has had past joint surgery or a musculoskeletal condition effecting the lower limbs that prevents physical activity then they should not take part in this study either.
The time commitment for the study is a half-day assessment of tests performed before and after the 12-month dance program which assess fitness including the Hand Grip Strength, the Timed Up and Go test, the 60 second Sit to Stand test and the Berg Balance Scale. A written test which measures mental wellbeing is the SF12. Bone density is tested by a DEXA scan.
The dance program will be run in Lismore over 12 months, consisting of once a week lessons of an hour each. The program is not strenuous exercise and will be supervised by a Bundjalung dance teacher. There will be warm up and cool down sessions as a part of each class. The class timetable will be finalised at the time that the tests are conducted.
Dance performances will be planned as a part of the program.
If you have a patient who might like to take part, they need to register interest by 25 May 2018.
Contact Susan Mills at the Southern Cross University Health Clinic in Lismore. Email [email protected] or phone (02) 6626 9131.
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