North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) is pleased to support the opening of a GP-led respiratory clinic in Murwillumbah as part of the Australian Government’s $2.4 billion health package in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The NCPHN’s CEO Julie Sturgess said the clinic, one of up to 100 the Australian Government was setting up across Australia, would play a vital role in supporting patients in Murwillumbah and surrounding areas throughout the pandemic.
“Importantly, this respiratory clinic will help the local health care services – taking the pressure off hospitals and general practices by providing dedicated treatment to people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of fever or sore throat, cough, fatigue or shortness of breath,” Ms Sturgess said.
“I encourage anyone in our community experiencing these symptoms to call the clinic or go online to book a free appointment.
“This clinic will help to reduce pressure on Murwillumbah and Tweed hospitals’ emergency departments and allow other local medical practices to treat people who aren’t showing signs that may relate to coronavirus.
“It is important to remind people that good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, maintaining social distancing and staying at home remain the best defense against COVID-19.”
Murwillumbah Respiratory Clinic director Dr Doug Warne said the clinic was seeing 20 to 30 patients daily. Each appointment takes about 15 minutes.
“Almost everyone coming in is being swabbed,” Dr Warne said. “Most people have relatively mild symptoms, but they want to be tested to protect themselves and their loved ones.”
Appointments can be booked online or via phone. When attending, patients should wait in their car and ring the clinic to minimise potential contact with others.
Results are provided back to patients – and patients’ regular GP, within a day or two.
“The NCPHN is one of 31 PHNs located throughout Australia that are working with local hospital districts to advise the Commonwealth Department of Health on the best locations for the clinics right across the country,” Ms Sturgess said.
“I am very pleased and proud of the fact the NCPHN and local health practitioners have worked collaboratively with the Federal Government to deliver this essential service.”
Federal Regional Health Minister, Mark Coulton, said the Murwillumbah clinic would help take the pressure off local hospitals and general practices by providing dedicated treatment to people with mild-to-moderate respiratory symptoms, and help to minimise the risk of infection in the community.
“The clinic is part of a range of measures the Australian Government is putting in place, including additional practice incentives and the expansion of telehealth to enable the rural medical workforce to continue to care for regional Australians through this crisis,” Minister Coulton said.
People should visit HotDoc and use the online booking system to make an appointment. Murwillumbah Respiratory Clinic is open Monday to Friday, 9:15 am to 4:45 pm, telephone (02) 8188 3797.
The Australian Government is establishing respiratory clinics at key North Coast locations. The clinics will operate out of existing medical practices. They will complement NSW Health’s existing COVID-19 / fever clinics at Tweed Heads, Byron Bay, Lismore, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey and Port Macquarie.
Support Available For Video Consultations
COVID-19 Respiratory Clinic Opens in Yamba
Contact for media enquiries
Samara Finlayson, Director – Digital Health & Marketing (Acting)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (02) 6618 5439