Digital Discovery Questionnaire for General Practice and Aboriginal Medical Services

Digital health advancements in primary care are designed to improve operational and health system efficiencies and clinical outcomes. This month, Healthy North Coast is coordinating a primary care workforce digital health consultation. The digital discovery questionnaire is designed as consultation with general practitioners, practice managers, practice nurses and allied health practitioners working in general practice

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Register, setup and maintain PRODA for individuals and organisations

Provider Digital Access (PRODA) is an online identity verification and authentication system that allows secure access to online government services. Ensuring you have a number of key staff and clinicians with PRODA identity verification and authentication supports proactive team-based care.

National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) certificate renewal

NASH is a public key infrastructure (PKI) solution used to access digital health services. The SHA-2 certificate provides enhanced security protection of healthcare information and reduces the need to manage multiple certificates.

Increase use of pathology electronic ordering

Electronic ordering of pathology (eOrders) is the communication of a pathology order via electronic transfer. Pathology eOrders is available as an integrated option for a number of pathology labs, via clinical information systems such as Best Practice and Medical Director.